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Just in case you haven't found them anywhere else !
I've also shown the equivalent or nearest cheat for DOOMers.

LABUGbug moden/a
LACDSmap with thingsIDDT x2
LADATAcoordinates & %secretIDMYPOS
LAIMLAMEtotal invincibilityIDDQD
LAMAXOUTget everythingIDKFA
LAPOGOallow to climb any heightIDSPISPOPD/IDCLIP w/o walking thru
LAPOSTALget weapons and ammoIDFA
LARANDYweapon super chargen/a
LAREDLITEfreeze enemiesn/a
LASKIPfinishes current leveln/a
LAUNLOCKget all the keysthe 'K' of IDKFA
LAlevelnamejump to levelIDCLEV

(*) To use this, press TAB to show the map, then press and hold the key just under the Escape key. Now use the cursor keys, and a red dot will move accordingly, starting at your current position. Set it where you want to go, and type LANTFH.

Please note that (just like in Doom) these codes are directly scanned from the keyboard, and so correspond to a QWERTY keyboard disposition. So a French user on an AZERTY keyboard would have to type 'LQI,LQ,E' on his keyboard instead of 'LAIMLAME'.