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FNT Files

These files store a proportional character set. FNT files are found in DARK.GOB
This set may not be complete. The font used to display the ammo, for instance contains only the numbers and the ':' character.

FNT_Header IS
 Magic            char[4]          // 'FNT' + 15h (21d)
 Height           byte             // Height of the font
 u1               byte             // Unknown
 DataSize         int              // Data after header
 First            byte             // First character in font
 Last             byte             // Last character in font
 pad1             byte[22]         // 22 times 0x00

Then follow the characters.
There is (Last-First+1) FNT_Character blocks (one per character).

FNT_Character IS
 Width            byte             // Width of the character
 Picture          byte[Width*Height] 
                                   // Bytes describing the character,
                                   // by columns from bottom to top
                                   // Each byte is an index in the
                                   // current PAL palette

FONT Resources (FON Files)

These LFD resources store a proportional character set, which may be incomplete.
I found two examples : font6 and font8.

the .fon extension is a convention adopted by add-on developers when writing conversion programs, there are no real FON files in DARK FORCES. There are FNT files however, which are quite different !

FON_Header IS
 First            int              // First character in font
 Last             int              // Last character in font
 u1               int              // 8, could be bits per char line
 Height           int              // Height of Chars
 u2               int              // could be average Width
                                   // or the minimal Width to use
 pad1             byte[2]          // 2 times 0x00

Then follows a block of (Last-First+1) bytes (one per character), which code the width of the corresponding character.

FON_Characters_Widths IS
 Widths           byte[Last-First+1] 
                                   // each byte is the width 
                                   // of one character

Then each character is described in turn:

FON_Character IS
 Bitmap           Byte[Height]     // Height bytes for each
                                   // character

Now the funny part: each of these bytes is a bitmap representation of a line of the character.
A bit set correspond to a pixel drawn on the screen.

For example, if the bytes are 48h, FCh, 48h, FCh, 48h, 00h this gives

 48h   .X..X...
 48h   .X..X...
 48h   .X..X...
 00h   ........

Which is the # character.
Note that the width as referenced in the FON_Characters_Widths array would be 6 for this character.
In fact, FON_Characters_Widths must be used to determine where on the screen to draw the next character.